Syleaf range offers a complete foliar nutrition solution against multiple deficiencies. It is especially designed for foliar spray with high efficiency of application thanks to the adjuvant complex that increases the spreading, the sticking and the uptake of nutrients by the leaves.
Syleaf range is fortified with:
– The HFS 18 Complex, an organic biostimulant that enhances the plant natural defences against stresses, stimulates the growth and helps in increasing the quality of yields.
– A very high content of micronutrients, chelated with EDTA to avoid many physiological disorders that may prevents the crop from achieving an optimal production.

Syleaf 0-40-40 + 1 MgO + TE is a high P and K formulation designed for the early stages of plant growth when the uptake of these nutrients from the soil is limited due to cold and humid soil conditions. Syleaf 0-40-40 improves the root system installation and development; it is also used to supplement the soil P and K application during the last stages of fruit fattening and maturity. Syleaf 0-40-40 has no Nitrogen which makes it suitable for late applications up until starting the fruit harvest.

Syleaf 18-18-18 + 1 MgO + TE is a balanced formulation useful during the vegetative growth of several horticultural and agricultural crops and during the fruit development and early fattening stages. Syleaf 18-18-18 is used alternatively with high P and high K formulations.

Syleaf 12-11-33 + 1 MgO + TE is a high K formulation used during the fruit growth stages to give a readily available potassium to complement the soil potash fertilizers when the supply rate cannot meet the daily K requirements or when the potassium is not available due to soil conditions. Potassium helps the plant to regulate the water status and transpiration against possible draught and reduce the impact of diseases on plants.